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June 19, 2009



How funny. When I read your title I thought you had actually knit your way through London.


Dude . . . I wish I knew you were heading overseas! I can't recommend Stash Yarns in East Putney enough. It's about a half mile walk from a tube stop (or a bus ride if you like), they have a great selection, and they might just be the friendliest yarn shop in London. Another plus? Since it's outside of the normal touristy spots, you get to see parts of London that you never knew existed. I like iKnit London (picked up some gorgeous Wensleydale Yarn) when we visited in their old location - that was near the Vauxhall tube stop - but I can't say enough nice things about Stash Yarns. Have fun in Brussels! We had an interesting time most probably linked to the rain and cold weather (but the beer was amazing!).

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